Mike - Warehouse Supervisor
Meet Mike our Warehouse Supervisor who is known as Lazza as he looks like Cliff Lazarenko (the famous Darts Player)
Lazza works in our Warehouse Department for the last 6 years…
Lazza is responsible for organising our customer deliveries via our 3 van drivers or via couriers, he implements daily plans for his team, ensuring optimum operational output at all times. When he has a minute spare, he also serves customers at the trade counter, normally for a catch up on what is happening…
From his extensive driving and delivery experience, he is great at giving our drivers advice and guidance when necessary… especially when we have new starters.
A fun fact about Lazza is that he takes great pleasure in winding his daughter up… which he claims is too easy to do!
Dads… I bet you can relate to this!! – although we all know who the BOSS is…..